Carnegie Mellon University
Information Networking Institute
Master of Science in Information Networking
RAID for Mobile Computers
Presented by Rachad Youssef
Accepted by the Information Networking Institute.
Thesis Advisor_____________________________________Date__________
Garth A. Gibson, Assistant Professor
School of Computer Science and Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Daniel P. Siewiorek, Professor
School of Computer Science and Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
INI Dept. Chairman__________________________________Date__________
Marvin A. Sirbu, Professor
Professor of Engineering and Public Policy, and Industrial Administration
Carnegie Mellon University
RAID for Mobile Computers
A Thesis Submitted to the
Information Networking Institute
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the degree
Rachad Youssef
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
August, 1995

Table of Contents
1.0 Overview..................................................................................................................1
2.0 Design Considerations in Mobile Computers ..........................................................2
2.1 Battery Technology..............................................................................................................3
2.2 Non-Volatile RAM Variants.................................................................................................3
2.3 Disk Drive Technology for Mobile Computers ...................................................................5
3.0 Power-Optimized RAID ..........................................................................................9
3.1 Standard RAID Architectures and Simple Optimizations .................................................11
3.2 Log-Structured Storage Architecture.................................................................................14
3.2.1 Log-Structured Storage Algorithm......................................................................15
3.2.2 Mapping Structures .............................................................................................18
4.0 Evaluation Methodology........................................................................................19
4.1 Disk-Simulation Module....................................................................................................20
4.2 RAIDframe driver..............................................................................................................21
4.3 Implementing LSS in RAIDframe.....................................................................................22
4.4 Traces ................................................................................................................................22
5.0 Evaluation ..............................................................................................................25
5.1 File-Layout Sensitiveness ..................................................................................................25
5.2 Basic Comparisons.............................................................................................................26
5.3 Architecture and Caching Policy Comparisons .................................................................27
5.4 Impact of the Cache Size ...................................................................................................29
6.0 Related work ..........................................................................................................29
7.0 Conclusions............................................................................................................33
8.0 Acknowledgments..................................................................................................33
9.0 Bibliography ..........................................................................................................33
FIGURE 1. Description of Power Transition for Low-Power Disk Drives ....................7
FIGURE 2. Basic System Architecture.........................................................................10
FIGURE 3. RAID level 0 Sample Layout.....................................................................11
FIGURE 4. RAID Level 4 Sample Layout ...................................................................12
FIGURE 5. RAID Level 5 Sample Layout ...................................................................12
FIGURE 6. A LSS R/W Operation ...............................................................................16
FIGURE 7. Dynamic Remapping Module....................................................................17
FIGURE 8. Energy Evaluation for Fixed Cache Size of 0.5 MB .................................28
FIGURE 9. Average Response for Cache Size fixed to 0.5 MB ...................................30
FIGURE 10. Energy Consumption Evaluation for Cache Policy Fixed to PB ...............31
FIGURE 11. Average Response Time for Cache Policy Fixed to PB.............................32
TABLE 1. Power Distribution of a Sample Mobile System..........................................3
TABLE 2. Mobile Storage Comparison ........................................................................5
TABLE 3. ATA-2 Description of Power Modes Used in Disk Drives ..........................7
TABLE 4. LSS Mapping Summery.............................................................................20
TABLE 5. Disk Parameters .........................................................................................21
TABLE 6. Machines Simulated...................................................................................23
TABLE 7. Statistics for Traces Used with Machine A................................................24
TABLE 8. Statistics for Traces Used with Machine B................................................24
TABLE 9. Power Performance for Single Drive vs. RAID Levels 0, 4, and 5 ...........26
The requirement for high-performance, highly available storage for file servers and supercomputing
systems led to the development of Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks
(RAID) and log-structured file systems (LFS). For mobile computers, however, performance
is often a secondary requirement to long battery life. This study examines the
design issues of low-power, highly available disk arrays for mobile computers. Specifically,
by dynamically remapping the location of newly written data using a log-based allocation
strategy and by deferring parity updates in an NV-RAM cache, the rate of drive
spin-ups can be reduced by a factor of 2.
Key words: Data storage, RAID, mobile computer systems, low-power, log-structured,
disk drives.
1.0 Overview
Processor power, software sophistication, and communications capabilities for portable
systems are growing rapidly. While allowing portable systems to capture a larger fraction
of a user’s computing needs, these advances in turn, are creating demand for storage. This
demand for storage translates into a need for large onboard storage since globally available,
high-bandwidth communications is not a reality. As systems are increasingly targeted
at the consumer electronics market, the need for solutions that reduce the frequency
of backups and other preventive maintenance is also increasing.
Mobile computers are different from desktop machines because they require light weight,
low-power, small-volume, high-shock-tolerant, low-connectivity components while still
providing good interactive performance. Today’s mobile computers are used predominantly
as desktop machines which the user can take away and run the same applications.
Current mobile systems only provide the user with several hours of autonomy. This makes
battery life one of the most important product-differentiating factors in this market. Since
battery technology alone will not provide the desired autonomy, there is a rich opportunity
for design alternatives that reduce the power needed to perform a user’s mobile work.
This thesis explores RAID-based secondary storage in mobile computers to provide adequate
availability and capacity. RAID’s single-failure tolerance allows the user to defer
system maintenance, while capacity is provided by the scalable nature of RAID systems.
Deferrable maintenance is a desired feature in mobile systems since they rarely have provisions
for backups or other preventive maintenance. While RAID’s availability and
capacity features are desirable, its power characteristics are not. Replacing a single-drive
system with a RAID level 5 architecture greatly increases the power consumption of the
system due to the effects of striping and redundancy updating.
In this research study we examine the power requirements of alternative modifications to
RAID architectures and algorithms. In particular, we highlight the importance of caching
and scheduling to defer accesses until their execution minimally increases power consumption.
Moreover, we propose and evaluate a log-based dynamic remapping architecture
that allocates recently written data according to minimal additional power
This study is organized as follows. The following section looks at power consumption in a
mobile system. Section 3 describes our RAID management scheme which emphasizes
power. Section 4 describes our evaluation methodology, simulation environment and
traces. We then describe the results of our simulations in Section 5, Section 6 discuses
related work and Section 7 presents conclusions.
2.0 Design Considerations in Mobile Computers
Mobile systems depend on high-capacity batteries and low-power components for their
autonomy. The most important limitation of a mobile system is considered to be short battery
life. Mobile computers on the market today employ several techniques in order to
maximize the amount of autonomy they can offer the user without compromising their
All components are responsible for consuming power. Figure 1 shows a listing of major
system components and their corresponding power usage for a particular system
[Kester94]. In general, displays are the major power consumer in mobile computer.
Though beyond the scope of this study, we heartily encourage new strategies for reducing
their power consumption.
2.1 Battery Technology
Battery technology and power management have become an important consideration in
the design of portable computer systems. Portable computers can only operate for several
hours before the battery power runs out. One of the design challenges for these systems
has become how to maximize run time for a given battery weight.
Over the last 30 years the improvement in battery technology has been approximately a
factor of two increase in the energy density (Watt-hours/lb) over three decades of nickel
cadmium cells to their present value of around 22 Wh/lb. There is no reason known to us
that will cause this rate of improvement to increase dramatically.The only likely new technology
that will take over from NiCd will be nickel-metal hydride, since it alone provides
a combination of enhanced performance (30-35 Wh/LB) and environmental safety. However,
even for this new technology the projections are at best 40% improvement over the
next five years [Srivastava94].
2.2 Non-Volatile RAM Variants
Magnetic disks are at present the technology of choice for secondary storage. However,
disk power, size and weight constraints have made some designers try to escape to nonmagnetic
options. Currently the market offers flash memory and battery-backed DRAM
storage systems as the predominant alternatives to disk-based storage at a higher cost.
TABLE 1. Power Distribution of a Sample Mobile System
Component Manufacturer & model Power (watts) Percent of Total
Display Compaq Monochrome Lite25c 3.5 68%
Disk Drive (105Mbytes) Maxtor MXL-105 III 1.0 20%
Memory (16 Mbytes) Micron MT4C4MA1/B1 0.024 0.5%
CPU 3.3V Intel486 0.6 12%
Flash memory is a modified EEPROM that can be written by the host system. Flash’s
main advantage is that it requires no power to maintain state. Flash memory provides
read-access times close to DRAM (45ns), but slower write-access times (about 4ms). One
of the drawbacks of this technology, which is not expected to disappear in the coming
years, is that flash memory requires an erasure step before any data can be written to it.
This erasure step is a destructive operation; memory cells will eventually fail after a large
number of cycles (on the order of 100,000 for the current technology). The use of Flash
devices as the secondary storage unit for general mobile systems has been studied
[Douglis93] and for special-purpose devices by [Forest94]. In both of these studies the use
of Flash was established to be beneficial in special-purpose mobile applications by a factor
of as much as 16%.
Flash memory consumes little power and has low latency and high throughput for read
accesses. Flash memory comes in two forms: flash memory cards and disk emulators.
Memory cards can be accessed in the same way the CPU accesses main memory. Flashdisk
emulators are accessed through a disk-block interface. Flash disks have a device controller
in the card that manages the flash-memory array, translating block I/O requests into
the necessary memory operations. Flash disks provide the user with higher write performance
by pre-erasing segments.
DRAM is currently available in high densities and is very fast to access. It is more economical
than SRAM ($25MB versus $100/Mbyte) and is often used for main memory. It
does require a small amount of power to maintain its state. DRAM is still considered a
high-cost option. There are also serious reliability implications of having to power it with
the host’s batteries. Both of these reasons make its use in secondary storage unit not cost
As can be seen from Table 2, the current alternatives to disk-drive technology remain too
expensive; we believe that these technologies will not penetrate the market at this stage.
As the processing capability makes it possible for a user to rely on a mobile computer for
all computing needs, the cost of a desk-top system becomes prohibitive. In the case of a
mobile-only computer user, the traditional desktop requirements for 500MB to 2GB must
be met by the mobile unit. For this reason we believe that storage demands of mobile computer
systems cannot be satisfied by NV-DRAM or Flash in a cost-effective way. However,
industry analysts are convinced that their power consumption makes them a viable
option for low-capacity specialized devices in the future [Wood93].
Due to a small NV-RAM write buffer, a single disk can perform comparable to Flash, even
with an aggressive spin-down policy, but its power consumption is still an order of magnitude
higher than Flash [Douglis93]. Our study makes use of this fact to reduce the power
consumed in a multiple-drive architecture.
2.3 Disk Drive Technology for Mobile Computers
The main advantage disk drives have to offer the mobile-computer market is the ability to
provide maximum on-line capacity at the lowest cost; they also provide sufficient throughput
for large transfers.
TABLE 2. Mobile Storage Comparison
Device Latency Cost
SRAM 70ns $100Mbyte
DRAM 100ns $30/Mbyte
Disk 9ms $1/Mbyte
Flash 100ns(r)
Disk drives are a mature technology that offer high density and low cost, and their management
is well understood. Because current popular form factors consume a lot of
energy1 and the recent explosion in demand for portable computers, disk-drive manufacturers
have been enticed to develop a special breed of drives dedicated to serving this
emerging market. These new drives enjoy special emphasis in several areas:
• They are able to tolerate shocks up to 300G [Integral92].
• They have a reduced physical volume and they weigh less.
• They consume less energy.
In particular, they have a new mode of operation called Sleep mode along with the standard
Standby, Idle and Active modes as defined by the ATA-2 standard [ATA-2]; these
modes are described in Table 3. The new Sleep mode allows a user to save up most of the
energy that would otherwise be consumed by the drive. This energy-saving feature does
not come without a cost to the user. An access to the disk while the disk is spun-down will
incur a delay measured in seconds as opposed to the tens of milliseconds of delay
expected from a spinning drive2.
Major power savings can be achieved by applying an aggressive disk-spindown policy; a
simple short time out drive-spindown policy can achieve close to optimal performance
[Kester94][Klostermeyer95]. These results have been independently verified in various
trace driven studies [Douglis94]. Current disk products use an idle time of two seconds as
the appropriate spindown threshold. Figure 1 shows the standard transition diagram for a
power optimized disk drive.
1. Newly developed small-form factor drives fail to deliver the appropriate capacity.
2. These new disks are also capable of withstanding multiple spin-up/spin-down transitions due to a new
technology that handles parking unparking of the disk head which is known as dynamic head-loading technology.
To understand disk-power issues more fully, we can look at the sources of power dissipation
in a disk-drive unit. The most important sources of power dissipation are:
1. Air shear power of the rotating disks (energy consumed preserving the angular
momentum of the physical platters).
2. The actuator motion during seeking.
3. Arm-electronics power during read/write operations; power dissipated by the controller.
4. Other minor air-shear and frictional losses.
TABLE 3. ATA-2 Description of Power Modes Used in Disk Drives
State of Drive Description
OFF mode The disk consumes no energy and is incapable of performing any functions except
SLEEP mode The disk is powered up but the physical platters aren’t spinning.
IDLE mode Disk is spinning but no disk activity is taking place.
ACTIVE mode The disk platters are spinning and the arm is seeking or the disk head is actively reading
or writing a sector. This mode consumes the most power, but occurs for short periods
of time in a typical single user environment.
FIGURE 1. Description of Power Transition for Low-Power Disk Drives
Power Down Spin Down
Power Up Spinup Seek
Although each of the enumerated factors contribute to disk-drive power dissipation, the
first is the most significant. A much smaller fraction is spent powering the electrical components
of the drive, controller and read/write channel. For example, the average actuator
power is 25% of the spindle power [Grochowski93].
One empirical study of large-diameter disks (14 in.) derived the following expression for
the power consumed maintaining the angular momentum [IIST90]:
Air Shear Power a (diameter) 4.6 x(rotation rate)2.8 x(# of platers) (EQ 1)
It was this expression that stimulated our initial interest in arrays for mobile computers.
We observe that the small-diameter disks such as Hewlett Packard’s 1.3 in. Kittyhawk,
contained insufficient storage to satisfy a mobile computer user, but, according to this
expression, might use as little as a factor of (2.5/1.3)4.6 less power in the spindle motor
than a 2.5 in. drive. This suggests replacing a single 2.5 in. drive with five 1.3 in. disks to
match the capacity and reduce the power even with all five drives spinning. This story is
certainly simplistic because:
1. The cost per Mbyte is not constant across the different form-factor drives.
2. Other sources of power consumption in the drives (see above list) are not governed by
Equation 1.
3. Equation 1 may not hold for small-form-factor drives. It has been suggested that the
surface friction observed on a large diameter drive is not experienced in a small diameter
drive because the platters are also spaced much closer together. Therefore the
shear surface becomes the cylinder formed by the outer edge plater rather than the surface
of each platter [Brady94].
Regardless of the outcome of this comparison our interest in arrays for mobile computers
stems from the belief that arrays can provide additional robustness and availability for
mobile computers. In order to maintain the disk-drive volume acceptable to the size of
portable machines while exploiting the robustness of RAID, we will need to move to
smaller-form-factor drives. Fortunately, since the volume of a small array of seven 1.3 in.
disks is the same as a single 2.5 in. drive, a RAID system can meet the volume constraints
of current mobile systems. Our focus, then, is to minimize the number of spinups and
spinning time of an array of small-diameter drives.
3.0 Power-Optimized RAID
We propose an innovative use of the basic RAID architecture in order to minimize power.
Our design modifies the data layout of RAID level 4 and adds power-optimized caching
RAID systems have traditionally been designed for performance and reliability. RAID
systems primarily address the need for narrowing the I/O bandwidth gap and drastically
increasing the time to data loss of secondary storage units. Disk drives have been increasing
in performance at a much slower (20% per year) rate than CPU speeds (40% -100%
per year) [Wood93] [Gibson95b]. Arrays use parallelism in the storage subsystem in order
to meet the increasing demand for I/O bandwidth as well as the capacity requirements. As
the number of drives goes up, the mean time to failure of an individual component
decreases, thus the need for redundancy. More important is the fact that redundancy in
disk arrays raises the mean-time-to-data-loss of the system well beyond that of a single
drive [Gibson92, Patterson88].
Popular RAID architectures are optimized to use all drives concurrently in parallel to provide
the user with the aggregate bandwidth of all the drives and minimize the overhead
time spent maintaining redundant information for failure recovery. In contrast the architecture
proposed in this study attempts to use the drives one at a time. Caching policies are
designed to cluster access into one disk in order to maximize the use of the disk it has
spunup and to minimize the number of spinups.While these two ideas have the side effect
that the aggregate bandwidth of all the drives is no longer used, this is as much bandwidth
as is available now and disk bandwidth is not often put forward as the bottleneck of
mobile systems.
The basic system architecture is based on a cache containing at least some NV-RAM and
an array of disks. We assume each disk follows a spindown policy such as was discussed
in section 2.3, that is, a disk is spundown after two seconds without new accesses. Once an
aggressive spindown policy like this is used in each drive, the dominant power factor
becomes the number of spinups that the system incurs. We have studied the effect of three
complementary strategies for minimizing the number of spinups:
1. The addition of a read cache to reduce the number of read requests that result in drive
activity and thus reduce the power used by the system.
2. The addition of a write cache to defer write activity and allow for more energy efficient
scheduling of write operations.
FIGURE 2. Basic System Architecture
Disk Array
3. The appropriate data layout to maximize the number of user requests that can be satisfied
for each spinup that is incurred.
In our evaluation, we compare Log Structured Storage to stand-alone drives, to standard
RAID levels 0, 4 and 5 architectures, and to simple power optimizations of standard RAID
3.1 Standard RAID Architectures and Simple Optimizations
RAID level 0 refers to a non-redundant array of disks. Data is laid out by interleaving consecutive
blocks of user data across N consecutive disks. Figure 3 shows one layout for a 5-
disk, RAID level 0 device. It is important to note that RAID level 0 arrays have no protection
against data loss when a disk fails; we included this architecture in our analysis to be
able to evaluate the cost of maintaining parity information.
In RAID level 4, a set of N drives is divided into two sets: a set of N-1 drives is used to
stripe user data; a single drive is dedicated to holding the parity units; each parity unit protects
a set of N-1 data units. A possible RAID 4 layout is depicted in figure Figure 4.
FIGURE 3. RAID level 0 Sample Layout
Disk 0 Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3
D0 D1 D2 D3
D6 D7 D8 D9
D12 D13 D14 D15
Disk 4
Disk 5
D18 3 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23
0 Disk Offset
Linear address space
exported to host
D = a block of user data
In RAID level 5, N drives are used to stripe data and maintain redundancy information.
This is achieved in the following way: user data is block-striped across (N-1) drives; a
block of parity protects a set of (N-1) data units; parity blocks are distributed in the drives
in a round-robin fashion. Figure 5 shows a possible data layout for a RAID level 5 system.
The following observations can be made about the expected power consumption of RAID
levels 4 and 5:
1. The stripe unit is expected to play an important role in the power consumption of the
system. Larger stripe units are expected to allow the user to satisfy single read requests
FIGURE 4. RAID Level 4 Sample Layout
Disk 5
3 P15-19
Disk 4
Disk 3
Disk 2
Disk 1
Disk 0
Linear address space
exported to host
D = a block of user data
Px-y = a parity block over
user data blocks x through y
FIGURE 5. RAID Level 5 Sample Layout
Disk 5
3 D17
Disk 4
Disk 3
Disk 2
Disk 1
Disk 0
4 D23
5 D29
Linear address space
exported to host
D = a block of user data
Px-y = a parity block over
user data blocks x through y
in a single drive, and even multiple requests close to each other in the exported address
space without having to spin up multiple drives.
2. The location of the parity is expected to also play a role in the power performance of
the system. Having all the parity blocks concentrated in a dedicated drive is expected
to prove advantageous since it will allow all write operations to satisfy parity updates
in the same drive, thus minimizing the probability that a parity update will induce a
Taking these two factors into account, we expect systems with large stripe units to require
less power and the power performance of RAID level 4 to be better that RAID level 5 for
the same stripe unit size. Hence we expect a RAID level 4 architecture configured with a
stripe unit of infinite size (spanning the whole address space of a drive) to be the ideal
standard RAID data layout for minimizing power consumption.
A cache can significantly reduce the amount of requests that translate into any drive activity
for all storage organizations including RAID. Even without deferring writes, a read
cache will reduce significantly the number of read requests that translate to drive activity,
reducing the number of spinups incurred. Read caches are widely used in files systems and
embedded disk controllers because their reduction of disk activity does not affect data
integrity. A write-back cache, in contrast, will accumulate write activity in memory in
order to schedule its execution in some more beneficial way at the cost of exposing the
data to longer periods before it is safely on a disk. By deferring writes, these caches can
cancel writes to data that is multiply written before update blocks are flushed to disk, thus
reducing the amount of drive activity further. To increase the integrity of deferred write
data, these caches typically protect against power failures by employing a non-volatile
memory technology, in turn adding cost to the system.
The principal idea in our study is to defer writes until an appropriate disk is spinning for
some other reason, to perform all possible write activity. In this approach we try to exploit
spinups caused by read cache misses for all read and write activity.
The following caching policies are evaluated in our analysis:
1. A Write-Through (WT) caching policy will not retain any dirty blocks in the cache
longer than necessary to update the disks.
2. A Write-Back (WB) policy keeps dirty blocks in the cache, flushing them to the drives
as the cache becomes half full and retaining the data as clean blocks that are discarded
in LRU fashion.
3. A Read-Miss Piggy-Back (PB) policy defers writes in the same way as the WD policy
but it also takes advantage of read misses to issue pending writes to the drive that is
now known to be spinning.
3.2 Log-Structured Storage Architecture
Log-structured Storage Architecture is inspired by the Log-Structured File System (LFS)
[Rosenbum92], which treats underlying storage as a segmented, append-only log. The use
of a disk storage manager similar to LFS in RAID systems has been previously studied as
a possible solution to the small-write problem in [Mogi94] and implemented in-high end
commercial products like StorageTek’s Iceberg [StorageTek94]. In these previous implementations
the basic idea was to accumulate writes to minimize the number of disk operations
needed for parity maintenance and to maximize the write bandwidth. Neither study
considered power consumption as a design factor.
Our use of the ideas behind LFS is to defer writes until a read miss induces a drive to spin
up, then to dynamically remap pending writes to the closest free location on the now spin15
ning drive as depicted in Figure 6. As with other LFS-inspired systems, performance of
the system will depend on the workload; in systems whose read patterns closely mimic the
write patterns for the same data most requests will be satisfied in the same drive, thus driving
the performance of the system closer to the power consumption of a single drive-system.
Dynamically remapping written data may seem inappropriate for storage servers at first,
but it can be done transparently so that a user or file system need not take note. As Figure
8 shows, the address space that is exported to the user is a linear address space that
expands the aggregate capacity of the drives in the array minus the space designated to
parity and the space reserved for the storing mapping information. The careful management
of this “mapping information” (referred to as “functional Track Directory” in Iceberg
terminology) is necessary. It must survive disk and power failures. As this constraint
is familiar to many researchers [Menon93, Solworth91], we borrow their solutions as well
—NV-RAM holds tables that are periodically written to disk with self-identifying information
incorporated. We call this part of the system the Dynamic Remapping.
The function of the cache is to accumulate writes until there is enough data to fill in a segment
worth of disk space. User-pending writes are then mapped to a free segment in the
RAID address space and then written to the RAID system. The drives are configured as a
RAID level 4 system with an infinitively large stripe unit. The Dynamic Remapping module
translates addresses from the exported user-address space to the RAID level 4 system
as shown in Figure 7.
3.2.1 Log-Structured Storage Algorithm
A user’s read requests will be either satisfied in the cache or invoke disk accesses whose
results are cached as clean data in the cache. Write requests are satisfied in the cache and
FIGURE 6. A LSS R/W Operation
Disk 0 Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3 Disk 4
6 5’
Disk 0 Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3 Disk 4
Read (1,2,3)
6 5
Disk 0 Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3 Disk 4
Write (5,6,7,)
6 5
Clean Cache
Blocks Blocks
Sleeping RAID
Segment Limit
1) User writes data to cache without
using disk power
2) Partial read miss causes disk
two to spin up.
3) Cache initiates write of dirty
blocks to drives, causing the parity
drive to spin.
the disk’s work deferred. The cache will accumulate writes until either: a read miss occurs
and enough blocks are in the cache; the cache becomes low in clean blocks; or a user initiates
a sync request. Once the cache triggers a write, accesses, grouped in segment sizes,
are assigned and written to a clean segment in the last spinning or currently spinning
This algorithm assumes there are available segments on all the drives at any given time.
This means a certain amount of space is not visible to the user. This is needed in our system
since the storage subsystem is typically not aware that files have been deleted until the
storage locations are rewritten by a new data. Instead, the hidden space is constantly recycled.
As new data blocks are allocated to free segments the old locations of those
addresses are marked as free. The system keeps a pessimistic view of the utilization of the
segments so it is able make decisions when it is time to clean up segments to provide the
user with the space.
Segment cleanup involves selecting underutilized segments (live segments that have more
than a threshold number of blocks not in use) and writing them into the cache, marking
them as free, and allowing the newly cached data to follow the ordinary write path. Segment
cleaning can automatically trigger when the system is recharging the power source,
FIGURE 7. Dynamic Remapping Module
Linear address space
exported to host
Dynamic Remapping
RAID Address Space
so that it has no impact on the life of the battery. Although of no impact to the results in
this study, it is important to note that the following trade-offs are associated with the segment
size: Large segment sizes greatly reduce the amount of mapping information that the
system needs to keep track; large segment sizes lead to lower utilization of the storage
3.2.2 Mapping Structures
A set of maps constitute a “fuzzy image” of the dynamic map of the system; these mapping
tables are stored both in memory and in predefined locations in the array. This means
that, although not all structures are maintained at all times, there is always enough information
in stable storage to recreate all the dynamic-map information of the system. This
idea allows us to implement a fast, cheap and reliable way to maintain the information
regarding the new current physical location of the user-address space presented to the user.
It is fast because only a small portion needs to be updated on write access and a fast
lookup can be performed on read access. It is cheap because only a minor part of the map
needs to be resident in memory. It is reliable because the system can recover from failures
at any point.
The main mapping structures are the mapping tables that keep track of the dynamic maps
and maps that keep track of the segment allocation and utilization.
The Dynamic Mapping structures are made up of a global block map, a set of disk block
maps and segment block maps. The system needs to permanently keep in memory an
image of the user’s block-address space mapped to each drive; this constitutes the global
block map. In our implementation the global block map stores four bits of information for
each data block in the device for a maximum of 16 drives in the array. The global block
map can be reconstructed in the event of a failure from the other maps, so it does not
require non-volatile storage.
Each drive has a drive block map associated with it that contains a mapping of user location
to drive offset. These maps are kept in fixed locations on the corresponding drive and
are loaded into memory when a block needs to be looked up. They are updated in memory
and written back to the drive when a set of new segments is written to the drive.
A segment block map is included at the beginning of each segment to aid the cleaner ramp
segments back to user addresses. It is written when the segment is allocated and read back
during segment clean-up operations.
A dedicated map keeps track of the utilization of each segment in the array, called the global
segment map. This structure contains a data-block count for each segment in the array
and is used to allocate space for new segment writes and in order to select victim segments
for cleaning purposes.
The amount of space consumed by these map structures is summarized in Table 5.
4.0 Evaluation Methodology
The following section describes the techniques used to perform the analyses in this thesis.
Trace-driven simulation was used to evaluate the performance and power consumption of
LSS. The simulator used to produce this work relies on an accurate disk-simulation module
managed by a real RAID driver, RAIDframe [Courtright95]. The following subsections
describe the components of this environment
4.1 Disk-Simulation Module
The disk-simulation module used originates in a mature disk-array simulator called Raid-
Sim [Chen90, Lee91]. It accurately models significant aspects of each access (seek, rotate
and transfer) according to a table-driven cylinder layout and drive-performance parameters3.
The geometry model was expanded to account for spin-up time and instrumented to
capture power data. A trace of the power transitions of each drive is captured for postprocessing
analysis. Because of the small-form-factor requirements, we chose the Hewlett
Packard Kittyhawk ™ HP C3014A [HP94] as the drive to use in our simulations. Performance
parameters where faithfully simulated.
3. Although the disk-simulation module does not simulate the drive cache buffer or any overhead associated
with bus arbitration, we believe this to not be a disadvantage. Because the emphasis was on maximizing the
amount of time the disks where in sleep mode and minimizing the amount of times a spinup occurred, the
lack of those parameters is not considered important
TABLE 4. LSS Mapping Summery
Function Location Size Fraction of
array size
Global Block Map User block to disk Memory A/(B*2) 1/(B*2)
Disk Block Map User block to disk offset Drive
Global Segment Map Block count per segment Memory A/(S*B) 1/(S*B)
Segment Block Map Segment offset to user block Drive
A*4 /B
Size of Array=A; Bock Size=B; Number of Drives = N; Size of Segment=S
4.2 RAIDframe driver
RAIDframe is as an extensible framework for rapid prototyping of parallel storage architectures
being developed here at CMU. RAIDframe is built around an engine that executes
RAID access without understanding the architecture at work. The engine executes
directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) that express and control the concurrent execution of
accesses on drives. RAIDframe’s advantage is its configuration flexibility, allowing an
architect to customize layout mapping, to easily tune critical sequencing of disk accesses
and to build in architecture-aware caching.
The system can be used as a simulator, as a user-level software array controller that
accesses physical disks using the UNIX raw device interface, or as a device driver in the
kernel4 [Courtright95]. The fact that RAIDframe can be used to control real disks is very
powerful. It allows us to verify the correctness of the new algorithm on a configuration
TABLE 5. Disk Parameters
Data Surfaces per Drive 3
Data Bytes per Sector 512
Data sectors per Drive 10252
Data Cylinders per Drive 949
Total Bytes per Drive 20MB
Spin-up Time 1.5 sec
Disk Rotating Speed 5310 rpm
Cylinder Seek Time 5e-3sec
Max Stroke Seek Time 20e-3sec
Average Seek Time 6.1e-3sec
Spinup 3.5 W
Sleep 0.015 W
Idle 0.625 W
Active 1.5 W
available in our lab [Gibson95a] before simulating, which validated the accuracy of our
implementation. RAIDframe uses directed acyclic graphs to express and control the concurrent
execution of drives. RAIDframe’s advantage is the ability to separately configure a
layer of mapping indirection, carefully tuned sequencing of disk accesses and architecture-
aware caching.
4.3 Implementing LSS in RAIDframe
RAIDframe’s flexible architecture allowed us to implement an extra layer of mapping, the
Dynamic Remapping module. In all RAID architectures a user access is mapped to separate
disks and offsets. We introduced an extra level of indirection between the cache module
and the standard mapping code. This layer had access to all the maps needed to
manage the segments and map user data to RAID addresses.
4.4 Traces
The traces used in this study where obtained from Panasonic Technologies Inc. These
traces where used in a previous study also evaluating storage alternatives for mobile computers
[Douglis94]. These traces where taken from two instrumented Apple Macintosh
PowerBook Duo 230s. They record all file-system activity: each record specifies the type
of operation, read or write, the file blocks that where affected, and the approximate
amount of time elapsed since the previous operation.The major characteristics of these
traces are reported in Tables 6,7 and 8.
A serious limitation of these traces for our research goals was the lack of information
regarding the location of the files on the drive. Because this limitation forces us to approximate
the layout of the files on the disk, we explored several allocation strategies for their
4. Currently RAIDFrame can be used in Digital AXP workstation running OSF /1 v2.0 and v3.2 as a device
impact on our study. Because the allocation alternatives turned out to have less impact
than expected we present just two:
1. Scatters files over the whole address space of the simulated storage device at random.
2. Lays out the files sequentially in the simulated storage address space according to the
order they are first touched in the traces.
A random mapping is intended to be pessimistic; good file systems try to cluster related
data in an organized fashion [McKusik83]. In contrast a temporally allocated layout is
optimistic for log-based systems. For both schemes file lengths were approximated to the
largest location accessed in each file.
While the complete set of traces were used to approximate a reasonable initial file allocation
on disk, a particular set of four traces were used in the results reported in Section 5.
TABLE 6. Machines Simulated
Machine A Machine B
Number of Traces 15 22
Address Span 42MB 75MB
Number of Files 522 952
Average File Size 81KB 82KB
Max FIle Size 12MB 13MB
TABLE 7. Statistics for Traces Used with Machine A
Machine A Trace 1 Machine A Trace 2
Duration 1 Hours 0 Min. 7 hours 55 min
Number of Operations 54592 153551
Number Distinct locations touched 5.5MB 14.0MB
Fraction of Reads 17% 99%
Fraction of Writes 83% 1%
Percent of Bytes Read 26% 12%
Percent of Bytes Write 74% 88%
Async accesses 1% 1%
Avg Max SDev Avg Max SDev
Inter-arrival Time (msec) 69.13 39400 469.7 189.6 48200 922.9
Operation Size (Kb) 0.26 60.71 1.66 0.21 61.13 1.58
Read Size (Kb) 0.43 60.71 2.28 0.13 61.13 0.70
Write Size (Kb) 0.23 24.8 1.50 15.20 24.87 11.99
TABLE 8. Statistics for Traces Used with Machine B
Machine B Trace 1 Machine B Trace 2
Duration 3 Hours 30 Min. 3 hours 29 min
Number of Operations 169743 61539
Number Distinct locations touched 20.0MB 11.3MB
Fraction of Reads 54% 86%
Fraction of Writes 45% 13%
Percent of Bytes Read 55% 54%
Percent of Bytes Written 44% 46%
Async Accesses 4% 1%
Avg Max SDev Avg Max SDev
Inter-arrival Time (msec) 75.0 90783. 0.562 206.8 55683 974.7
Operation Size (Kb) 0.34 394.27 3.38 0.45 394.27 4.55
Read Size (Kb) 0.35 394.27 4.17 0.40 394.27 4.62
Write Size (Kb) 0.32 65.54 2.08 0.80 65.54 4.05
5.0 Evaluation
RAIDFrame was used as the simulation vehicle to explore the trade-offs of the different
architectures. We focused on the following issues: the power performance and the
response time of the system.
In order to evaluate the power consumption and performance of the different architectures
the traces described in Section 4.2 were run through the RAIDframe simulator under a
number of different configurations. The parameters varied were:
1. Architecture: RAID Level 0, RAID Level 4, RAID Level 5,LSS.
2. Cache Size: 0KB, 32KB, 256KB, 512KB.
3. Caching Policy: WT, WB, PB.
4. Initial FIle allocation: Scattered or consecutive.
Each of the two machines were configured in the following way:
Machine A: storage capacity 60MB (3 drives RAID level 0, 4 drives RAID levels 4 and 5
and LSS), the space utilization was constant at 68%.
Machine B: storage capacity 100MB (5 drives RAID level 0, 6 drives RAID levels 4 and 5
and LSS), the space utilization 73%.
5.1 File-Layout Sensitiveness
Because we lacked all the information necessary to recreate the layout of the file system,
measurements were taken using the two different simulated file layouts explained earlier:
scattered layout and consecutive layout. The results of the two different scenarios where
compared in order to evaluate the relevance of the initial layout of the files in our results.
The difference between both scenarios is minimal, on the average 1% for both machines
with a maximum discrepancy was of 6% for Machine A and 8% for Machine B. For the
rest of the paper we will report only scattered file layouts since we believe it to be more
5.2 Basic Comparisons
To provide a baseline for understanding the cost of RAID robustness, we include results
where only one disk is simulated. Table 12 compares the performance of RAID level 0,
RAID level 4 and RAID level 5 to a single drive for two machines and two different workloads
each. These results show that without power-specific modifications RAID level 4
and RAID level 5 architectures use much more power than RAID 0 and that RAID 0 itself
is expensive in power compared to a single disk with as much capacity as the array.
The difference between the RAID 0 32k stripe and RAID 5 32KB stripe numbers can be
interpreted as the price for maintaining redundant data in a small stripe RAID 5 configuration.
For the workloads shown here the average cost of maintaining parity is between 13%
and 204% for Machine A (3/4 drives) and between 482% and 179% for Machine B (5/6
TABLE 9. Power Performance for Single Drive vs. RAID Levels 0, 4, and 5
Arch./ Stripe A Trace 1 A trace 2 B Trace 1 B Trace 2
Single Disk/NA 4342.4J(100%) 30124.0J(100%) 13356.9J(100%) 14830.7J(100%)
RAID 0 /32KB 10895.5J(250%) 40698.8J(135%) 77684.6J(581%) 78661.7J(530%)
RAID 0 /inf. 15734.8J(362%) 40160.3J(133%) 51988.6J(389%) 53501.2J(360%)
RAID 5 /32KB 19741.4J(434%) 44868.6J(148%) 142014.0J(1063%) 105235.0J(709%)
RAID 5/1MB. 18879.9J(434%) 43861.3J(154%) 129144.0J(966%) 85178.3J(574%)
RAID 4 /32KB 19741.4(454%) 44781.0J(148%) 101143J(757%) 89522.9J(603%)
RAID 4 /inf. 16010.4J(368%) 44566.8J(147%) 73720.3J(551%) 63580.4J(428%)
drives). The cost is lower for larger stripes and RAID 4 small stripe and lowest for RAID
with an infinite stripe.
5.3 Architecture and Caching Policy Comparisons
With a fixed cache size we compared the energy consumption and performance of the different
configurations. Each of the machines was simulated and two traces where run
against it. With each architecture the three caching policies were evaluated (WT, WB,
PB), with the exception of LSS that expects writes to be grouped in segment sizes and thus
needs a write-back cache.
Figure 8 shows the energy needed to satisfy each trace for each of the architectures evaluated.
We observe that, although LSS consistently consumes less power, the amount of
improvement is dependent on the workload applied. It performs better as the access read/
write ratio decreases but does not appear to be as sensitive to the amount of data that is
written. Once more, larger stripe units yield less power consumption as we saw in the noncached
case, and RAID 4 tends to outperform RAID 5 with the exception of Machine A
Trace 2 workload.
The performance of the different caching policies is not as consistent across the different
workloads with the exception that deferring writes has a clear advantage to write through,
especially for the write-hungry traces. The effect of PG is undetermined for RAID 4 and
RAID 5; this is due to the fact that although spinups are saved in the data disks, spilling
pending writes too often leads to an increased number of spinups to update parity.
The performance of each architecture and caching policy was evaluated in terms of the
average response time seen by the user due to drive latency and throughput. The results
are summarized in Figure 9. Once more RAID 4 out performs RAID 5 since the probabil28
FIGURE 8. Energy Evaluation for Fixed Cache Size of 0.5 MB
WT = Write-through Cache (LSS not possible)
WB= Write-back Cache
PB= Piggy-back on Read Misses
Machine A Trace 1
RAID 0 Stripe Size = 32KB
RAID 0 Stripe Size = Infinite
RAID 5 Stripe Size = 32KB
RAID 5 Stripe Size = 1MB
RAID 4 Stripe Size = 32KB
RAID 4 Stripe Size = Infinite
Machine A Trace 2
Machine B Trace 1
Cache Policy
Machine B trace 2
Cache Policy
Cache Policy
Cache Policy
ity of having to wait for a spinup in a RAID 5 array architecture is higher. LSS performance
is not consistent, machine B trace 2 does not deliver better performance than RAID
5.4 Impact of the Cache Size
Because of the access patterns of the applied workloads, even a small cache has a great
impact on the performance of the system. A 32KB cache reduces the power consumed by
the system by a factor between 100% and 400%.
We compared the energy consumed by the architectures under different cache sizes and
concluded that no one architecture is favored more than the others by a larger cache size
and that not much performance is gained by moving from a 256KB cache to a 512KB
cache. Figure 10 shows the power consumed by all layouts tested using PB caching policy
and cache sizes of 32KB, 256KB and 512KB.
Average response time scales inversely to the cache size across all architectures.
6.0 Related work
In addition to the work on Flash and NV-RAM discussed in Section 2.2, other studies have
been done for optimizing power consumption in portable computers. Wu [WU94] discusses
how to implement and manage a large non-volatile storage combining NV-RAM
and Flash memory. Srivastava, Chandrakasan and Brodersen [Srivastava94] describe
architectural technics for energy-efficient implementations of general computer systems.
FIGURE 9. Average Response for Cache Size fixed to 0.5 MB
Ave. Resp. Time (ms)
Machine A Trace 1
Cache Policy
Ave. Resp. Time (ms)
Machine A Trace 2
Cache Policy
Ave. Resp. Time (ms)
Machine B trace 1
Cache Policy
Ave. Resp. Time (ms)
Machine B Trace 2
Cache Policy
WT = Write through Cache (LSS not possible)
WB= Write back caching
PB= Piggy-back on read misses
RAID 0 Stripe Size = 32KB
RAID 0 Stripe Size = Infinite
RAID 5 Stripe Size = 32KB
RAID 5 Stripe Size = 1MB
RAID 4 Stripe Size = 32KB
RAID 4 Stripe Size = Infinite
FIGURE 10. Energy Consumption Evaluation for Cache Policy Fixed to PB
Machine A Trace 2
32KB 256KB
Cache Size
Machine A Trace 1
32KB 256KB
Cache Size
Machine B Trace 1
32KB 256KB
Cache Size
Machine B Trace 2
32KB 256KB
Cache Size
RAID 0 Stripe Size = 32KB
RAID 0 Stripe Size = Infinite
RAID 5 Stripe Size = 32KB
RAID 5 Stripe Size = 1MB
RAID 4 Stripe Size = 32KB
RAID 4 Stripe Size = Infinite
FIGURE 11. Average Response Time for Cache Policy Fixed to PB
Ave. Resp. Time (ms)
Machine A Trace 1
32KB 256KB
Cache Size
Ave. Resp. Time (ms)
Machine A Trace 2
32KB 256KB
Cache Size
Ave. Resp. Time (ms)
Machine B Trace 1
Ave. Resp. Time (ms)
Machine B Trace 2
RAID 0 Stripe Size = 32KB
RAID 0 Stripe Size = Infinite
RAID 5 Stripe Size = 32KB
RAID 5 Stripe Size = 1MB
RAID 4 Stripe Size = 32KB
RAID 4 Stripe Size = Infinite
32KB 256KB
Cache Size
512KB 32KB 256KB
Cache Size
7.0 Conclusions
In this paper we have examined the power consumption of RAID systems and developed
simple improvements to standard RAID architectures to decrease the power consumption.
We have compared this to a specialized architecture LSS. Although LSS out performs
even the optimized standard architectures across all cache sizes and workload types we
tested, it does not pose a clear win to justify the complexity and cost associated with it.
8.0 Acknowledgments
We are grateful to the Matsushita Information Technology Laboratory of Panasonic Technologies
for sharing their traces, especially Fred Douglis and Hank Karth for answering
all of our questions. We are grateful to Ralph Simmons and Dave McIntyre of Hewlett-
Packard for the support of this project. We also thank Daniel Stodolsky for the concept
idea and insightful comments. We owe much of the results of this paper to the RAIDframe
team effort: Mark Holland, William Courtright, Claudson Ferreira Bornstein and Robert
Findler. We also thank LeAnn M. Neal for comments on previous drafts.
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